
Where does creativity come from? → stealing....copying and forming your ideas from those copies

Book suggestion: ‣

Design is not just about creating beautiful screens, its about creating good experiences.

<aside> 👉 Round corners looks friendly; sharp corners don't.


Design Flywheel

Design Disruptors documentary

Everything is designed. Few things are designed well. ~Brian Reed

Design isn't finished unless someone is using it.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

<aside> 👉 Why design? In the documentary, one thing that I understood was that problem solving and designing, though different, have evolved into a single field today. We face problems, we find their solutions, but the solutions don't mean anything if there is no way to implement them....a way that design provides. Another aspect of design which I found very interesting was "Best Design is Invisible". Our designs should allow all yours, new or old, to use the product the same way. It makes emotional connections with the users, without them knowing it. They don't have to think about the design, yet they enjoy it.

