Roadmap to get your first product design internship!

1. Build Skills

2. Make 2-3 good case studies

3. Make a decent portfolio

4. Parallelly start building connection with designers.

5. Start Applying to the jobs and start outreaching

6. Crack the hiring process

Let’s start connecting dots now and start understanding each step in the roadmap one by one :-))

🛠 Build Skills

You can start by learning the skills from all these resources you will gain basic knowledge by all these resources then you can join some bootcamp or communities to hone your skills more but all these resources would be enough for you to give a headstart🚀

Learn Design with Me

🟢 building a career in design - welcome all

✍🏼 Make 2-3 good case studies.

Once you have basic understanding of the skills you have to start your making some proof of work, So here the proof of your work would case studies in which you show your design process and will be solving some problems in tech products through your designs or you would be designing new features or a complete platform.

For this

  1. Observation is the biggest ally for a designer, Start observing the tech products how they are designing, what they are trying to solve, and how they are trying to solve it through their designs according to their users.
  2. Start reading good case studies and start understanding how they are made, what was the process of that designer and how one solved any problem through their designs.

Also post your work on each and every social media platforms, you will never know how this will turn into job opportunity

Case Studies - Work by past alumni

Writing the Perfect UI/UX Case Study!

📃Make a decent portfolio

Once you have 2-3 detailed case studies like these as pinned above then you are ready to make your design portfolio, It’s always preferred to make you portfolio on a website, but if you will share a simple portfolio made on notion that would also work.