Week 2



designers go back to certain phases, again and again, to refine their designs and create the best possible product for their intended users.


Strategy→ Scope→ Structure→ Skeleton→ Surface

Design thinking

It helps designers create solutions that address a real user problem and are functional and affordable.

<aside> 💡 Empathizing with the user is important- the task is done with keeping the user's feelings, needs and thoughts in mind. Learning from that experience will give you the tools and the understanding to try again. Keeping up with the present needs and trends is important, and necessary updates need to be applied to the design.



Designing of products for people with disabilities → designing for one ability/group can help in developing the product for a wider audience as well, as the features can be used by all

Equity-focused: thinking through all aspects of a designed product and making sure that the product is both accessible and fair to all abilities

Next Billion Users(NBU)

Users, who are using phones and internet for the first time, and have no prior knowledge of using the product, or they have low end devices, which makes things harder for them


Product must consider the platform being used by the user- like desktop, phone, TV, watch, etc. Users behave differently with d/f platforms.

Week 3