<aside> 💡 Design a profile creation flow for a networking app for entrepreneurs ‣


Empathize and Define

Responsive web Design

<aside> 💡 The aim is to provide a similar experience on both a desktop and a mobile. → users should be able to interact with the website in the same way on all devices


It is very important to be flexible as a designer




Information Architecture

Common Website Structures/Site Structures:

Wireframes and Low-Fidelity

Common Website Layouts

  1. Single Column Layout: like Medium→ entire article is within a single column

    Elements are usually stacked in a vertical column: navigation at top, then content then footer. Most useful in mobiles

  2. Multi-column layouts: having multiple vertical columns

    Focal Point: a specific and distinct area of website that captures the user's attention, Eg: images and supported content are displayed parallelly in multiple columns → supported content usually cover 25-45% of the page

    <aside> 💡 On many multicolumn websites, one column of content on the far left or right is used for ad space.

