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For the love of reading

Awesome Design Resources

šŸ“ Resume

Hi there, nice to have you here!

Iā€™m a digital product designer and developer based out of Delhi/Bengaluru. I am passionate about learning the ā€˜whyā€™ behind code and create memorable experiences that solve for real-world problems.


I love exploring design and creating exciting experiences. From research to ideation, prototyping to storytelling, I have a generalist approach towards this field that fosters my great curiosity in UX design.

My experiences of developing digital products as a SWE intern at JP Morgan Chase and for hackathons such as Smart India Hackathon (SIH) and Code for Goodā€™22 (JPMC) introduced me to some real-world problems that required software solutions. These experiences have made me love diving into why and how people use things, and furthering those experiences to make them memorable.

Graduating from Thapar University, Patiala in 2024, I am an SEP intern at JP Morgan Chase, majoring in Full Stack Development. My experiences also include web design and development using ReactJs, NextJS, Tailwind CSS, and Java Spring Boot. Check out some of my design and dev project at nikhilbksi.

My journey so farā€¦

Mask group.jpg


SEP Intern (Juneā€™23-Julyā€™23)

As a summer intern for the Research team, implemented a full-stack feature for a dashboard web app, maintaining the dashboard UI using React and Typescript and developing a REST API using Java Spring Boot framework, after receiving the opportunity through Code for Good hackathon in 2022.

*unofficial logo (when I tried logo makingšŸ™ƒ)

*unofficial logo (when I tried logo makingšŸ™ƒ)


Product Design Intern (Julyā€™22ā€“Septā€™22)

What is UrbanTv?

As the first product designer intern, I contributed to user research, ideation, and UI design while developing a design system for the product. Despite a short tenure, I learned a lot from the motivated team and is eager to continue growing in UX design.



UI/UX Mentor (Novā€™21ā€“Present)

Official Website

Collaborated on multiple projects to show the impact of design and research on products, conducted a UX design bootcamp workshop, developed a HacktoberFest Tracker project, and organised an intra-society designathon as part of GDG's Solutions challenge. Also shared my experiences as a UX designer and frontend developer on our podcast series.



Freelance UX Designer (Febā€™22ā€“Mayā€™22)

As a freelance UI/UX designer, revamped the marketing website and user dashboard, developed a unique design identity with stakeholder input, and added a new feature for content creators while learning UI design concepts on the job.

Apart from workā€¦

Shared from Lightroom mobile 1.png

I am drawn to steal inspiration from creative work and creative people. Going though someoneā€™s good work, be it a photograph, a movie, a song or a book, always fascinates me and motivates me to share me work as well.

For the love of reading is where I am sharing some of the amazing books that I have had the opportunity of reading. I love a good story, and these books have helped me be creative and intentional when it comes to my own.

Some of my other creative pursuits include the brief period of film making and video editing. I have had the chance to create multiple short-form videos for social media engagement, for my college societies and a NGO. I have also created an award-winning documentary in school.

Checkout some of my videosĀ here.

In my free time, I am a hobbyist photographer, and have participated (and won šŸ˜‰) in a few competitions as well. One of my photographs was featured in theĀ Vantage Magazine. You can check out my work on myĀ Instagram page.

Thanks a lot for checking out my website āœŒ.

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About me

For the love of reading

Awesome Design Resources

šŸ“ Resume

Let's Connect!

Email: [email protected]






